Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I apologize for my absence these past few days. Little Omi has had a fever, poor dear. She's had little fevers before, but never any that lasted more than an afternoon. This one seems to have grabbed hold and doesn't want to let go, prompting me to summon my mommy superpowers of caring, loving, and nursing to chase the bugger away. Of course the fever finally broke minutes after I phoned the doctor and made an appointment. But Little Omi still isn't back to her normal self, so I'm sure it was worth the trip, even though she screamed in terror when the doctor came at her with the little ear probe. That has been the worst part of this ordeal—seeing the look of the pain of our betrayal in Little Omi's eyes as daddy held her and I shot great globs of icky medicine into her mouth while she cried and frantically made the sign for "all done" with her hands. It breaks the heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Omi-cita!

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