Monday, September 22, 2008

Where the sidewalk ends

Oh dear. It's been so long since I wrote an entry that everyone has stopped checking in. What a terrible thing to happen! Much has been going on, and really my only explanation as to why I haven't posted anything new is that we have a Wii, and summer TV* got really good this year. So my usual posting time (at night, after Little Omi has gone to bed) has been filled with Mario Galaxy and TiVo catch-ups. Well, I hope to lure you all back with the promise of bigger, better, new and improved posts, starting today.

We are getting a new sidewalk at the park by our house. We are fascinated by it. So much so that we build sidewalks wherever we go. It is taking such a long time that Little Omi is starting to be able to conceptualize large chunks of time. The other day, after Grandma took Omi to the park to see the progress, the kid came home and announced that it would "probably be finished in six months." Probably. That's Little Omi's new word, along with actually. I made her some felt food recently, and one pea pod was dubbed a leaf. When Big Omi tried to explain that it was a pea pod, she replied, "It looks like a pea pod, but actually it's a leaf."

*By the way, my friend Streak recently wrote about who he looks like. I happen to think he bears a strong resemblance to this guy.


Streak said...

YAY! New post. And another fabulous pic.

Snuck that last line in just to see if I was reading, right? :)

Anonymous said...

She's back! She's back! (I check everyday, but it probably doesn't register on the stats since I'm using a news reader). Did I say how glad I am that your BACK!!

I agree. That guy and my guy are HANDSOME. :)

P.S. Did I say how glad I am that your BACK!!


(I can't get my logon to work. grrrr)

Anonymous said...

I agree that Streak and Michael Weston look alike...especially when Streak is saving the world one person at a time AND eating yogurt.

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